Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible to participate in a PRIDE Institute Training Program, you must:

Be a research-oriented junior-level faculty member holding a doctoral degree, such as a PhD, MD, DO, DVM or transitioning post-doctorate trainee

If you have been awarded grants such as an R01 you will not be considered junior-level faculty. You may have been awarded these grants and still be considered junior. 

  1. Have a background in the biomedical or health sciences 
  2. Be a Citizen or Permanent Resident of the United States
  3. Have a research focus that is centered on heart, lung, blood, or sleep disorders research or relevant research methodologies and approaches specific to these areas
  4. Career tracking for up to ten years after training is completed 
  5. Has not attended a previous similar training program or have been part of a similar cohort 

*Transitioning means that you have or will have received a formal faculty appointment by the time the Summer Institute Program convenes and no longer be supported on a training grant. 

Complete and submit the PRIDE Pre-Application Form

If you meet the eligibility criteria for PRIDE participation we will ask for a full PRIDE Cohort 11 Pre-Application Form (wustl.edu)

  1. Current CV and/or Biosketch
  2. Two letters of reference 
    1. Department Chair
    2. Colleague/Mentor 

Separate one-page summaries of:

  1. Your educational and research background
  2. A brief overview of your research plans 
  3. Your research interests
  4. Additional site-specific requests

Pre-Applications for Summer 2025 are now open. 

Your application will be forwarded to the appropriate program site for review. You will be notified of its status. If you do not meet the eligibility criteria for participation, we will contact you within two weeks of receiving your pre-application. If you are unsure of your eligibility go ahead and fill out a pre-application and we will get back to you.

For further information, email the PRIDE Coordination Core, or directly contact the Summer Institute Training Program of your choice.